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Make an appointment

Call the Petite-Boissière (79) centre on (+33)5 49 81 42 11 or
call the Thouaré-sur-Loire(44) center on (+33)2 51 13 04 15
You will be requested to provide information about your vehicle(s).
Allow a minimum of a week's notice before your vehicle is taken in for inspection. Indeed, the Direction des Services Vétérinaires (French veterinary authority) asks us for notice of 3 working days before starting the test.

Handover of your vehicle

Plan for your vehicle to be taken off the road for a day.
You are required to provide your technical compliance certificate when handing over your vehicle.

Returning your vehicle

The test result is favourable:
- Your vehicle has maintained its original classification.
In all circumstances, you will be provided with a test certificate, in exchange, you must sign a visual inspection sheet of the condition of the vehicle. Aubineau constructeur then forwards your file via Datafrig to the French authority for veterinary services to have the certificate renewed.

The test result is unfavourable:

You do not have the right to transport perishable goods at controlled temperatures.
You must have your vehicle repaired then retake the roadworthiness test


Second-hand vehicles

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